Everyone seems to have a different answer to the health equation these days. Cutting through the hype here's a few things you can do to see improvements in your health. Remember to always consult with your doctor before changing your diet or exercising!
30 minutes of some sort of exercise daily. Remember in a previous issues I mentioned that even stretching is acceptable if that is all you can do. You really don't have to do a marathon, just a little more physical activity than you are used to.
Eat those fruits and vegetables. Usually lower in calories, higher in fiber; you can eat less and feel more full! Studies seem to indicate they can lower your risk of some cancers.
A simple multi-vitamin can add a little pep in your step. It's always best to get your nutrition from foods, but we rarely get enough of what we need, help fill in the gap with your vitamin!
Are you getting enough sleep? This is where I get caught the most. I am a classic over-achiever and so I quite frequently sacrifice on my sleep. Let me tell you, do what I say not what I do. Get 7-8 hours of sleep. You'll feel better, and quite possibly age more slowly.
I find 5-7 small meals a day keeps me feeling better than 3 large meals. Obviously this is something to discuss with your Doctor, particularly if you're diabetic or have other health conditions. Contrary to the low carb diet fads, I'll stand with the USDA food pyramid and say a balanced diet is almost always the best answer.
Water. Lots of water. Skip the sodas, coffee and alcohol and drink more water. I can't stress this enough. Proper hydration can really help you look and feel better.
Finally, attitude. Keep it positive. When I had cancer I joked around a lot. I think that is a good part of the reason I'm still here. Learn optimism, it's a great habit.
All the best to you!
Rasheed Ali (#1 Adversity Consultant) and Bill White (Syncronicity Expert) have just launched http://www.SleepYourWayToRiches.com -- a powerful new success and wealth creation website and http://www.SolutionCoach.com -- a powerful business and success coaching site.