I was born with cellulite, it was my destiny. Unfortunately its in my family genes, my mom had it and her mom had it. There is no cure for it. The good news that there are things you can do to help the cellulite. The bad news there is no cure for it.
The best thing you can start off with is a good eating plan that is low in fat and carbohydrates. Talk to your doctor first about your plans. Just to make sure you do not have any health issues.
Once you are on a good plan make sure you drink atleast 8 glasses of water/add some lemon juice to eat. What drinking water does it flushes you system of unwanted toxins. It is amazing how smooth your skin will look and feel. The key is to do it every day for the rest of your life.
Yeah, sounds easy, but it is quite from being easy. If you have a busy life and don't even have time to sit down, we'll how will you remember to drink eight glases of water?
The way to start this regimen is with baby steps. Instead if drinking 8 glasses. Drink 3 glasses the first day and work yourself to 5 glasses the second and third day. Even if you never reach 8 glaases of water, you will still benenfit from drinking 3 to 5 glasses.
Purchase a loofah/body brush or a loofah/spa brush. Every nite brush you body with the brush and make sure the brush is dry. They key to this technique of using the loofah, it must be dry.
What this will do is circulate the blood to those area that the cellulite appears and it will diminish the cottage cheese look temporily. It needs to be done nightly or atleast 3-4 times a week. Keep the Brush by your bed with a glass of lemon water.
Walking and biking are the best form of excercise combined with soft stretching. Low impact forms of excercises.
Take pride in your body. The older we get the closer we get to our final destiny. My goal is to be the sexiest 80 year old around my neighborhood. Take care of your body with a Zen approach. Think life, enjoy life and live it to the fullest
Good Luck!
Maria Brittis is a full time mom and is a fuller brush distributor. Check her website, it's filled with helpful hints http://www.fullerbrushhome.com